
©2016 World Vision

Our members make up a diverse alliance of entities who share a commitment to stepping up visibility, political and operational commitments, and funding for Education in Emergencies.

Through them, the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies (EiE Hub) harnesses the expertise and capabilities of International Geneva’s diplomatic, humanitarian, development, human rights, protection, climate migration, and peace communities and organisations, along with academia, to come together for transformative joint action for EiE. The EiE Hub promotes policy dialogue, multistakeholder synergies and partnerships, and inspires political and financial commitments to ensure the delivery and continuity of safe, quality education to crisis-affected and displaced children and youth.

The founding members of the EiE Hub, or ‘initial co-signatories’, are Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the Global Education Cluster (GEC), the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Switzerland, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNICEF, the Geneva Graduate Institute and the University of Geneva.

Since the EiE Hub’s launch in January 2021, 42 additional internationally renowned entities have joined these co-signatories* in their commitment:

The members work together towards three main goals:

  1. Growing demand for change

    The EiE Hub is a catalyst for partners to come together to increase prevention and response to education needs in emergencies. It will strengthen policy and integrated approaches across the humanitarian, development, migration and peace spectrum to better prioritise and deliver inclusive education in emergencies for crisis-affected children and youth through better collaboration of International Geneva actors and beyond, including linking up with other relevant global and regional initiatives.

  2. Inspiring commitment

    Bringing together the Geneva strategic community of committed thought leaders will inspire political will and influence agenda setting so that governments and partners see education as a top priority before, during and after emergencies and in protracted crises.

  3. Boosting country-level impact

    All children and youth affected by conflict, violence, disaster, epidemics and forced displacement must have their right to a quality education realised. The Hub aims at boosting the country-level impact of education in emergencies preparedness measures and responses through better data, evidence on what works and innovative research and solutions that support the delivery of safe and quality education while building resilient education systems.

    The EiE Hub is a catalyst for joint action among members and across sectors to prioritise education in emergencies.

How to Become a Member

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