Focus on Education in Emergencies
Making the Case
The years ahead are crucial – crucial for our planet, as climate change and food insecurity push more children into crisis and out of education; for the international community, as it will become clear whether we have succeeded (or failed) in delivering the 2030 Agenda; and most importantly, for the millions of children and young people at risk of missing out on education due to conflict, violence, disaster, health emergency, food insecurity and displacement. According to Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the number of crisis-impacted school-aged children requiring educational support is 224 million. These include as many as 72 million who are out of school, and 127 million who are in school, but not achieving minimum proficiency in math or reading.
The topics below help you to make a strong case for education in emergencies and how it’s a life-saving part of any humanitarian response, and how the provision of education supports and deepens success in achieving multiple humanitarian and development objectives.
Learn what we know about the topics below, including key facts and urgent actions required. These are free and open for use in talking points, speeches, articles and presentations, to elevate education in emergencies.