What We Do

© UNICEF/UN0460328/Al-Basha

The Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies focuses on school-aged children and youth.

The EiE Hub aims to ensure access and completion of quality pre-primary, compulsory primary and secondary education, including non-formal educational pathways and transition to the formal national education system – in line with SDG 4.1. and 4.2. Concerning tertiary education, the EiE Hub is involved in research and evidence-creation for EiE and data. In certain circumstances, the EiE Hub may engage in dialogue on the transition from compulsory to post-compulsory education.

The EiE Hub’s focus includes all crisis-affected children and youth, regardless of their status, i.e. refugee, host community, internally displaced children and youth, as well as those affected by conflict, violence, disasters and epidemics.

The Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies is a catalyst to accelerate progress towards SDG 4 in humanitarian settings and help realise the commitments set out in the Global Compact on Refugees

The Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies strengthens policy and integrated approaches across the humanitarian, development, peace and migration spectrum to better prioritise and deliver inclusive education in emergencies for crisis-affected children and youth. This is achieved through increased collaboration between International Geneva actors and beyond, including linking up with other relevant initiatives.

We are committed to inspire political will and commitment, and influence agenda setting so that governments and partners see education as a top priority before, during and after emergencies and in protracted crises.

Our joint action boosts the country-level impact of education in emergencies preparedness measures and responses through better data, evidence on what works, innovative research and solutions that support the delivery of safe and quality education while building resilient education systems.

The members work together towards three main goals:

  1. Growing demand for change

    The EiE Hub is a catalyst for partners to come together to increase their prevention and response to education needs in emergencies. It strengthens policy and integrated approaches across the humanitarian, development, migration and peace spectrum to better prioritise and deliver inclusive education in emergencies for crisis-affected children and youth through the increased collaboration of International Geneva actors and beyond, including linking up with other relevant initiatives.

  2. Inspiring commitment

    Bringing together the Geneva strategic community of committed thought leaders inspires political will and influences agenda setting so that governments and partners see education as a top priority before, during and after emergencies and in protracted crises.

  3. Boosting country-level impact

    All children and youth affected by conflict, violence, disaster, epidemics and forced displacement must have their right to a quality education realised. The EiE Hub aims at boosting the country-level impact of education in emergencies preparedness measures and responses through better data, evidence on what works and innovative research and solutions that support the delivery of safe and quality education while building resilient education systems.

    The EiE Hub is a catalyst for joint action among members and across sectors to prioritise education in emergencies.

In pursuit of achieving the overarching outcomes, the EiE Hub operates along a yearly work plan that is jointly elaborated and implemented by the EiE Hub members under the overall coordination of the Executive Director and the supervision of the Steering Group. Broadly, the following outcomes guide the work of the EiE Hub members:

  1. Collaboration and a shared understanding of varying approaches to education in emergency goals are fostered, through increased engagement among EiE Hub members.
  2. Institutional and systemic opportunities for dialogue are created and spaces for collaboration, with senior leadership engagement, are identified and harnessed.
  3. The predictability and efficiency of EiE preparedness and response in mixed/migrant settings, or violence/pandemic situations, are improved.
  4. Enhanced awareness and understanding, and more visibility, of education in emergency-related issues across sectors.
  5. Increased prioritisation of education in emergencies and more resources mobilised.
  6. Quality data, evidence, innovative research and solutions to underpin the timeliness, efficiency and quality of education in emergencies preparedness and response.