Global webinar to launch the Comprehensive School Safety Framework 2022-2030 

12 September, 2022

Organiser: Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES)


All children have the right to safety and survival, protection, development, and participation, and every child should be able to realise these rights in school. Yet natural and technological threats, climate change, epidemics and pandemics, violence, conflict, and everyday threats put children and school staff at risk. When these threats are realised, they can cause permanent, compound impacts on the development of children and societies, and these impacts are felt differently due to gender, disability, and social and economic inequalities, leaving the most marginalised children unacceptably vulnerable. 

Compelled by the rising threats to children and education as a result of climate change, increased conflict, and the COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES) revised its Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSSF). The CSSF 2022-2030 is an all-hazards, all-risks approach to protecting children and education, offering governments a practical framework to make urgent progress across a multitude of children’s rights and the sustainable development agenda. 

In September 2022, GADRRRES is launching its revised framework and seeking government and partner support as the basis for engagement. 

Objectives of the global launch event:
Reflect on progress in school safety since the inception of the CSSF in 2012.
Showcase the revised CSSF, in the context of the global education crisis, climate-change, COVID-19 impacts on education, and conflict, violence and displacement. 
Advocate for support, endorsement, and commitments to the CSSF 2022-2030 by national and subnational education, disaster management, climate change, and child protection authorities, their inter-governmental and non-governmental, civil society, academic and scientific community and school community partners. 
Encourage and facilitate coordinated efforts amongst global, regional, and national level stakeholders to come together in multi-stakeholder school safety coordination mechanisms for collective impact to protect child rights in the education sector. 

Speakers will include:
-Ministers of Education, Climate Change and similar.
-CEOs/EDs/SGs of GADRRRES member organisations and partners.
-Global youth activists for school safety and resilience.