As part of the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2024, the EiE Hub and the Global Education Cluster will co-host a session on “Strengthening Coordinated Approaches to Anticipatory Action in the Education Sector”.
The session engages key humanitarian partners and stakeholders, exploring opportunities to advance coordinated approaches to Anticipatory Action (AA) in the education sector (including inter-sector and nexus coordination). They will also highlight promising practices in AA from selected country education clusters, build on learning from other clusters and sector partners, and engage collaboratively with key partners to identify opportunities to strengthen coordination for AA.
To register for the session, please click here .
- Ms. Michelle Brown, Coordinator, Global Education Cluster
Opening remarks
- Ms. Petra Heusser, Coordinator, Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies
Launch of the Anticipatory Action Guide
- Ms. MacKenzie Monserez, Preparedness and Anticipatory Action Task Team, Deputy Coordinator, Global Education Cluster
Panel Discussion
- Mr. Mohammad Harun Rashid, Emergency Specialist – Anticipatory Action, UNICEF (moderator)
- Ms. Rathigadevi Veluppillai, Education Cluster, Ethiopia
- Ms. Nneka Ogbansiegbe, Education Specialist, Save the Children, Nigeria
- Ms. Julia Wittig, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs