Education in Emergencies & Child Protection


Education in emergencies (EiE) and child protection are intrinsically linked and mutually reinforcing. Today, almost 1 in 5 children and young people around the world live in conflict-affected countries and with inadequate access to education. Lack of access to education increases child protection risks such as abuse and neglect, economic and sexual exploitation, homelessness, sexual and gender-based violence (GBV), trafficking, and child marriage. 

Furthermore, children and young people already experiencing these and other protection concerns, such as attacks on school facilities, violence in schools, and mental distress, are often prevented from realising their right to education. Children and young people with disabilities or from minority backgrounds, those who are forcibly displaced, girls, and children of diverse gender and sexual orientation are disproportionally affected by these situations. For all of them, education is a lifeline.

Children and young people empowered by quality, inclusive and safe education can obtain knowledge and skills that help develop their intellectual, physical, and emotional potential. Schools can provide hope, shelter, a system of support, and critical information to protect their rights. Conversely, child protection efforts help ensure children and young people can go to school safely by preventing and responding to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence against them.

Thus, collaboration between the EiE and child protection is mutually reinforcing, often resulting in better learning, increased capacities, confidence, resilience, healthier relationships between children and young people and the adults in their lives, and more peaceful societies. EiE and child protection, through improved coordination, help children and young people caught in crises learn safely and thrive.

Rawan Abukhadrah, Protection Advisor, World Vision Syria Response

What We Know

Urgent Actions



Violence hinders children and young people’s right to quality education

Humanitarian crises exacerbate child protection risks
Without protection, children and young people are at risk even when in school

Further Reading

*The members of the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies contributed their knowledge and expertise to this document. Contact us


Additional Sources