This is one of the virtual side events to be convened on the margins of the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS), which builds on this year’s HAS theme: “Strengthening humanitarian assistance to face the challenges of 2021 and beyond: mobilizing respect for international humanitarian law, inclusion, gender, innovation and partnerships”.
The event will allow participants to learn and discuss the latest about the state and criticality of education in emergencies and reflect on disruptions and prospects related to the current challenges.
Effective preparedness and responses towards quality and inclusive education for all crisis-affected children and youth will be discussed.
The COVID-19 pandemic response has opened a window of opportunity for accelerated educational systems’ progress. The future of learning is now.
Ambassador Thomas Gass, Assistant Director General and Head of the South Cooperation Department of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Mr. Raymond Ombere, Principal Education Officer, Arua City, Uganda
Mr. Francisco Benavides, Regional Education Advisor, UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific
Ms. Dahabo Abdi Ibrahim, refugee student and advocate for education and women’s rights at Dadaab
Mr. Najeebullah Qadri, Afghanistan Education Cluster Coordinator
Followed by an interactive Q&A session and discussion
Ms. Yasmine Sherif, Director of Education Cannot Wait
Ms. Kerstin Holst, Chief of the UNESCO Section of Migration, Displacement, Emergencies and Education