The EiE Hub has released a 2022 Annual Progress Report, which highlights the activities and initiatives that EiE Hub members have engaged with in support of our three strategic objectives:
1 – Catalysing joint action
2 – Inspiring political commitment
3 – Boosting impact through evidence
As the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies approaches its second anniversary, we take this opportunity to thank our members, partners and peers for their efforts on behalf of the EiE Hub, and their dedicated support for education in emergencies.
The EiE Hub’s focus in 2023 will continue to be building a strong foundation, making valuable use of the resources available from its members for policy dialogues in Geneva and beyond, and developing and amplifying unified positions from the EiE sector. This means continuing to prioritise the strategic strengthening of the EiE Hub membership and to nurture relationships with identified stakeholders. The EiE Hub will continue to deepen intersectoral collaboration and to promote understanding of the importance of EiE in developing effective responses to conflict, violence, disasters, and displacement. These efforts will include the further development of the EiE leadership initiative for parliamentarians, and the research and analysis of existing and potential linkages between EiE and human rights in the international landscape to help leverage political action to favour EiE—in Geneva and beyond.